Effective April 1, 2025, Electronic Filing will be mandatory for all Mohave County Justice Court Eviction and Civil cases filed by an attorney. If you have any questions, please contact
Nonparent custody, visitation, and guardianships - Forms & Kits
Nonparent custody, visitation, and guardianships - Forms & Kits
Third party rights are when a non-parent is seeking legal decision-making authority or visitation with a child. To see if your situation is appropriate for the filing of a new third-party rights case – or to see if it is appropriate to intervene in an existing case, review ARS 25-409 byclicking here.
Are the parental rights suspended or terminated by 1) consent in notarized document, 2) court order, or 3) death? (If yes, CLICK HERE for Guardianship)
If parental rights are not suspended or terminated, would it be harmful for the child to be in care of a legal parent? (If yes, CLICK HERE for Non-Parent LDM)
Are you requesting visitation with a child AND 1) one parent is deceased, or 2) the child was born out of wedlock and parents are not married currently, or 3) parents are divorced and you are a grandparent, or 4) you stand in place of a parent and a divorce is filed. (Ifyes, CLICK HERE for Visitation)